
"On the day you were born
      The angels clapped their hands
           & the moon danced with the stars"-

Oh our precious little ones...baby snuggles, squishy cheeks, the smell of baby lotion on their little toes...I Love babies!
Now that mine are older...sniffle, sniffle...this is the perfect chance for me to have some "baby time" & capture beautiful keepsakes for you.

* Session prices can be found under the Sessions + Pricing Tab. Now all you have to do is email me at valerierussellphotography@yahoo.com, let me know you would like to book a session!  

**Newborn Helpful Hints**:

-Mommies: dress cool & comfy--I like to have the turned up a little to keep baby warm & toasty.
-Make sure to feed baby right before the session
-Have swaddling blankets on hand--we will keep baby wrapped up in between shots & posing.
-If you have something very special (an outfit from you or your husband were babies, a special item grandma kintted, a special toy uncle or aunt got them--anything, feel free to let me know--bring it along & we will do our best to add it to the session).

See more of my {Newborn Sessions} here
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